I am writing to you on Valentine’s Day,
painfully aware that today is a very hard day if you are alone.
If that is you, and you have no one to wish you Happy Valentine’s Day,
I am sorry.
As I write those words the tears come.
Have to stop for a minute.
I wish I could do something to ease the pain you are in.
Will you let me try?
Thank you.
Let’s DO this!
Those Valentine boxes
When I was in early grade school,
everyone in our class made a little box with a slot in the top.
They were to hold the little Valentines
that our classmates were going to give us.
Like everyone else, I did receive some of those little cards.
But that isn’t what I remember best.
What I remember is how BEAUTIFUL the box I created was!
It was a cigar box, about half as big as a shoe box.
I tore little pieces of thick colored paper
in many jewel colors
each about an inch wide
and pasted them, slightly overlapping each other,
all over the box.
It looked like stained glass!
I guess this was my way of declaring “This is me.”
Yes, it had an opening in the top
where someone could tuck in a Valentine.
But if they didn’t, I was still me.
And I was still beautiful.
Back to today
So today, if you don’t have a Valentine in your box,
I want you to know you are still you.
And you are still beautiful.
To add to the beauty of your box
I’m going to share some of my colored paper.
I’m going to paste a beautiful ruby red blessing on your box
and a beautiful jade green one
and a beautiful one in azure blue!
Here we go
Ruby Red:
May you realize how beautiful it is to be alive
To feel your own loving heart beating right now
full of tenderness
that you will give to the right person
Jade Green:
May you realize how young you are
you have your whole life ahead of you
to build and create a path of joy
Time to become strong in who you are
Time to find a person you cherish and admire
who will want to join you in your bold adventures!
Azure Blue:
May you have faith in yourself
Knowing you are capable of amazing growth
Knowing there is no limit to how high and how far
and how deep you can grow
Knowing that as your true colors begin to shine
Other souls will see your glow
And will be drawn to you
I believe in you.
I believe you will become the loving and loved person
you have always wanted to be.
Dr. Hall
Who do you know who glows?
How can you spend more time with them?