where a woman can build her strength and freedom

Heading with joy into the New Year

Announcing my Substack called Solutions.  The photo shows a brown wooden sign with letters written on it in elegant gold script declaring:  And so the Adventure begins.

I have some very big news to share with you…
I am delighted to announce that today
I am launching my very own Substack!
The name of my Substack is Solutions.

From now on, my letters to you will be published there.

I will be publishing many of the letters
I have been sending you over these past three years,
plus new ones I will be writing as life unfolds.

The big difference is: there will be a comments section.

Those of you who would like to comment
(no problem if you do not wish to)
will have a place where you can respond to my ideas
and respond to the thoughts of your fellow readers.

I am so excited about our potential for development.
Let’s think new thoughts, develop our best ideas,
and grow together as builders of freedom
—psychological, political and spiritual.

I hope so much that you will join me in this adventure.

Solutions will be a constructive bipartisan place
where all are welcome to participate in respectful dialogue.

Differing with me and challenging my ideas is entirely welcome.
I am always seeking to learn.

abuse, rants, or obnoxious bullying remarks of any kind
toward me or toward any of my readers
will not be tolerated.
I am swift.

There is no charge to subscribe to Solutions, and there never will be.

All my writing and all participation in our comments community
is entirely free.

There is an option to make a pledge if you wish to support my work financially,
but whether you pledge has no effect on what you receive.

I always give my best to all my readers.

Giving me your time in reading my writing
and responding to it if the spirit moves you
is the greatest gift you could ever give me.

Dr. Hall

If you want to continue to read my letters
(they now appear on my Solutions substack)
please click on the link below.
There you will find my current letters
and have the option at the end of them
to click to subscribe
to receive a letter every Friday.

If you would like to read my writings on my Solutions substack
please click on the link below: